Dale Pendell
NEW: Memorial Celebration Video Now Up on YouTube
If you were not able to attend the Memorial Celebration we held for Dale on April 14, 2018 at the North Columbia Schoolhouse Cultural Center, or if you were there and want to see it again, follow this link:
Deep bows to the many people who helped make this happen, but particular gratitude goes to Jacob Nasim at Bad Buddha Creative Services whose superb editing skills pulled everything together for the benefit of us all.
I send love from the beings and spirits here at Mantis Hill to each and every one of you. Enjoy!
- laura
Jeremy and the Mantis
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Dale put his creative imagination to work and wrote a book for children?
Well, the answer is Jeremy & The Mantis.
A tale for children (and adults) about being lost and finding your way back home, and all kinds of real and imaginary creatures that inhabit the woods and the rocks and a stream.
Enjoy one of Dale’s last creative efforts. With illustrations by Jennifer Rain Crosby, it is a story unlike anything he’s written before, And is sure to enchant readers and make them see the world around them with new eyes and amazement.
Jeremy & The Mantis is available from Amazon, and you can also purchase it at your local book store. More information is at the publisher's webpage
.Sometimes poison is the medicine. Sometimes the action of this medicine is as gentle as waking up, but sometimes the world as you know it is dissolved in a torrent of seeming madness, so that another world might become visible.
Dale passed on January 13th about an hour or so before sunrise.
Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha!
Here at Mantis Hill we miss him terribly.
I continue to look to his words for wisdom, beauty, magic… and consolation.
I hope you will do the same.
— Laura Pendell
If you would like to read Dale’s account of his last months please read his Pharmako/Thanatos: or, How I Died posts in The Retort.
Memorial Celebration of Dale’s Life
Held April 14, 2018 at North Columbia Schoolhouse Cultural Center
On April 14th approximately 200 friends and relatives gathered to celebrate Dale’s life. We had glorious weather. There were 15 people who took turns at the microphone sharing their stories about Dale (photos below by George Post).
One person who had hoped to attend was the cultural ecologist and philosopher David Abram with whom Dale did an event in Grass Valley in 2012 and then co-taught a class at Point Reyes the following year. David sent “some words to honor Dale…”
The event was filmed and is now being edited. Look for it to be on YouTube sometime in the next month or two.
Sending love to everyone of you from all of the beings here at Mantis Hill.
Blessings from the Universe to All,
Laura Pendell
Laura at the podium
Dale’s daughter Marici at the podium
Gary Snyder at the podium
The crowd
Inside the schoolhouse
Outside the schoolhouse
Jacob Nasim (Chop-Chop Editing) recorded me reading from Geistertanz to a group of friends at Mantis Hill on Sunday, Sept 17. It’s up on the “Dale Pendell – Mantishill” channel on YouTube here.
On Aug. 5, at the Open Book in Grass Valley, Gary Snyder and I joined Jason Wirth to celebrate the release of his new book: Mountains, Rivers, and the Great Earth; Reading Gary Snyder and Dōgen in an Age of Ecological Crisis.
Lew Sitzer recorded the reading on Vimeo here.
Geistertanz (“Ghost Dance”).
Verlag Peter Engstler has come out with a rather elegantly designed bilingual chapbook of twenty recent poems, English and German.
I was very lucky to have the brilliant poet Egon Günther as a translator, who even provided a page of notes to assist German readers with some of the references.
Egon also translated Lunar Meanders, my long “poem” first presented at Breaking Convention in Greenwich. The full German title is Mondmäander: Wissen & Macht im Gestalten psychedelischer Landschafter. Also published by Verlag Peter Engstler.
“Remembering the Regulation,” my story about Shays’s Rebellion, is up in Essays here.
After many years, I am putting the final touches on my Bill Ebaugh story, aka William Ebaugh, or Wild Bill Ebaugh.
Working title is “Digging Up Ebaugh: How Nevada County Murdered its Greatest Folk Hero.” This story is based on dozens of interviews I conducted in the 1970s with Ebaugh’s relatives, friends, and antagonists, all of whom have since passed. As a place -holder, I’ve put my “Saga of Bill Ebaugh,” in the Retort. I sing it a cappella, in A minor, kind of to the tune of “Buffalo Skinners,” but feel free.
“The Triumph of the Lie” is up on Reality Sandwich.
and now in Essays.
Also, “As the World Burns,” some thoughts on Hinayana/Mahayana and politics, is up on TIKKUN.
And now in Essays.
* * *
Bodhidharma Comes from the West, 12 Sketches
Published on occasion of the North Columbia Schoolhouse Cultural Center Community Arts Show, September 1, 2016.
I’ll be putting a few of the paintings up in the retort over the next few days.
My talk on Lunar Meandering, given at Breaking Convention in Greenwich, is up on vimeo. Visionary physicist Nick Herbert gives me a great plug on his most excellent blog site, Quantum Tantra .
My nutty play, Seeking Faust is available in a beautiful paperback edition from Scarlet Imprint.
TRIGGER ALERT: There is something in the play to offend everyone.
“Thoroughly enjoying the wit, foolishness, and smuttiness of Seeking Faust. Dale Pendell has caught a good mix of neo-Elizabethan and Modernist dictim. This fits right on the shelf with his Neo-Coyote output. … It is as good a piece of book art as one could find these days.” –Andrew Schelling
My new book of poems, Salting the Boundaries, from New Native Press, is available from SPD (and on Amazon). “I’m glad I cleared the desktop and spread out and read all of SALTING THE BOUNDARIES this evening. These are all new poems to me, and new in tone, style, vocabulary. The breadth of knowledge and concern, mythopoetic, geologic, historic, et al is splendid. & your wild salmon poem: I’m so glad you did that. I had been idly dreaming of something like that for years but never got to it. This is an impressive gathering, and a welcome surprise for me.”—Gary Snyder
A review by Eric Weinblatt is on Catamaran.
Schrodinger, Einstein, Maxwell, differential equations, gunpowder, the bronze sword, and the chambered nautilus. What do they have in common? They each have a poem in this book. Equations of Power is available on Amazon. And there is a short review on physicist Nick Herbert’s blog.
- I’ve put some of my “paint-poems” up in The Stacks.
- “Broken Symmetry: John Piper and the Ruins of Modernism,” is in Essays.
- “Psychedelic Top Knot” is in the current issue of The European Journal of Ecopsychology and in Essays. Print copies are available from Lulu.
- I’ve put selections from the Norman O. Brown/M. C. Richards correspondence, originally to be an appendix in Walking with Nobby, up in Essays.
- I added “Fox Cycle,” “Seeding the New Year,” and my “Medicine/Circle,” originally published in Erowid Extracts, to Essays.
- My play, “World Fire Wake,” is up on youtube at mantishill
- I added my translation of Schiller’s “Ode to Joy” to Essays.
- And, LASTLY, my love song for geology, “Tracing the Pluton,” first published in Catamaran, is now a download in the Essays.