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Innner Critic









My shrine to the “Innner Critic.” Or, “The Great Fck You Boddhisattva. My Zen teacher looked, and passed on without comment. Do Bodhisattvas still carry a trace of holiness? Another friend, one of my more critical, said “You misspelled ‘inner.'”
Thank you darling.
The notes on the nails say things like “Don’t make that call,” or “They won’t like it,” or “They’re just SAYING they like it.” Stuff like that. The trick is to Hear it, separate it out, write it on a piece of paper, stick it on a nail, light a stick of incense, and pick up the phone or mail off the submission or pick up your brushes or your pen or your tip toes or your guitar or WHATEVER BABY and kick some ass. There are a lot of them begging for it.
